That way you prevent stuff going on in the background or when your mouse leaves the overlay.
Install by selecting the game's executable (if you are not sure which API to select, check the "Games" section of this site).Download the installer on the main page.That's where lies the most obvious difference, you can configure ReShade with a new ingame UI (which can be brought up by default with Shift + F2 in case you missed the big ass notice at the start) where you can control all sorts of things, later more. Main features is that not all shaders run over the ReShade.fx (Framework is also essentially "one file" as every file in the folder structure is included into the main ReShade.fx), now you can freely name your fx files and most importantly, put them into any folder you want, you just have to specify where ReShade has to look for them. ReShade 3.0 is obviously a whole lot different.
As still questions are popping up (not only here, also on my facebook page) how to use ReShade 3.0 and what to do with presets from TheLazy, hope I can give some guidance with this.